QLM v10 Released

We’re excited to announce the release of QLM v10.

What’s new in QLM v10?

Revamped QLM License Wizard
  • Completely redesigned workflow.
  • Includes Check for Updates to notify your customer of the latest eligible version based on the maintenance plan.
  • Download and launch your setup from within the wizard.
  • Offline Activation via a QR code scanned from a mobile device.
  • Offline Deactivation via a QR code scanned from a mobile device.
  • Automatically publishes Analytics Data to the License Server
Wizard-Welcome.png Wizard-ActivationMethod.png
Wizard-ActivateOnline.png Wizard-DeActivate.png
Wizard-ActivateOffline.png Wizard-ActivateOfflineWithQRCode.png
  • Create your own custom Product Properties and set them when issuing a license key.
  • Simplified search in the QLM Management Console with the new tag that searches across multiple common fields.
  • LicenseValidator class now includes code to publish Analytics to the License Server.
  • LicenseValidator class now includes code to retrieve custom Product Properties from the License Server.
  • New APIs: ReadCookie and StoreCookie allow you to store custom data in the same location as the QLM license keys.
  • New option to duplicate a License Server profile in Manage Keys / Sites
QLM Enterprise
  • Protection of Electron / JavaScript apps.
  • New APIs: ReadInstallID, WriteInstallID, UpdateLastAccessedDate
  • Added the following Analytics charts:
    • Conversion Flow
    • Days Installed
    • Installs per Day
    • Last Accessed per day
    • Actual Usage per customer
    • Average usager by all customers
    • Products
    • Product Versions
    • Operating Systems
 Core Features
  • The new QlmLicenseLib.dll no longer depends on IsLicense50.dll and is compatible with keys created by QLM v5+. If you still have customers with license keys issued with QLM v4-, you should generate new license keys for these customers or continue using the backward compatible QlmLicenseLib.dll located in C:\Program Files\Soraco\QuickLicenseMgr\Redistrib\.net x.0\backwardCompatiblev4.
  • Renamed to QlmCustomerSite
  • Most of the settings that were configurable from the web.config file are now exposed as Server Properties.
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